Psychology A Level, for me, was the perfect blend between scientific methodology and an application to society. Through understanding the psychological approaches, the course provides contrasting explanations of human behaviour allowing discourse of current issues, such as with mental health, social influence and aggression. I chose this subject because I enjoyed the structure of science GCSEs and was excited by the broad topics from biopsychology to memory. My favourite part of the course was the topic of Issues and
Debates, which focuses on a more philosophical side of the discipline such as in the nature or nurture debate, as it illustrates the interdisciplinary elements with the use of key topics learnt.
The department has been excellent throughout my study with offering help sessions, providing accessible resources (with topic booklets) and preparing us for exams with practice ‘benchmarks’ regularly. In my first year, outside of the course, I had the opportunity to do the understanding addiction enrichment course which has expanded my understanding of a complex issue and further illustrates the departments specialties.
After Godalming, I plan to study a mixed social sciences degree which illustrates the transferable skills of a Psychology A Level course, particularly with research methods and critical thinking in evaluation. I would strongly recommend the course to anyone either in combination with other science or humanities courses.
Psychology A Level
Economics A Level
Politics A Level
Aspire: History and Social Sciences
Univerisity of Bristol: Politics and International Relations