+ Enrichment programmes

We are delighted to be able to offer a comprehensive range of +Enrichment to develop and support your academic studies, learn new skills or strengthen life skills of resilience, budgeting, time management or leadership. These options will help you gain confidence and broaden your experiences for your next step. We reserve the right to make changes to this offer and cancel any +Enrichment where there is a lack of demand.

+Active: Drama/Dance/Performance - Technical Support
The Dance and Drama Enrichment Programme is for all levels, whether you are studying the subject, want to try your hand at a new skill or looking to make some new friends.
+Active: Drama/Dance/Performance - Workshops and Masterclasses
The Dance and Drama Enrichment Programme is for all levels, whether you are studying the subject, want to try your hand at a new skill or looking to make some new friends.
+Active: Drama/Dance/Performance - Performing in College Productions
The Dance and Drama Enrichment Programme is for all levels, whether you are studying the subject, want to try your hand at a new skill or looking to make some new friends.
+Active: Funk Band
A smaller ensemble designed for popular/rock musicians to perform recent chart hits. Reading music is not required to participate. All abilities welcome. Several large and small scale performances a year.
+Active: Jazz Band
Godalming College Jazz Band is a great way to be involved in a College ensemble, have fun and meet new friends
+Active: Godalming College Singers
A large choir performing a mixture of contemporary and classical repertoire in 3 or 4 part harmony. Led by a specialist singing teacher, this choir is open to singers who can and can’t read music. All abilities welcome. 3 large-scale performances a year.
+Active: Concert Orchestra
Godalming College is home to an amazing group of talented musicians who play in the concert orchestra, performing at regular concerts throughout the year.
+Active: Basketball (mixed)
The Sports Enrichment Programme is available to all students, offering them to chance to join one of our teams, make new friends and remain fit and healthy.
+Active: Cricket (mixed)
The Sports Enrichment Programme is available to all students, offering them to chance to join one of our teams, make new friends and remain fit and healthy.
+Active: Duke of Edinburgh
The Duke of Edinburgh Enrichment Programme welcomes all students, it is a great opportunity to make new friends, learn new skills and gain a sense of achievement.
+Active: eSports

eSports is now a billion dollar industry. This is purely the revenue from competition, the computer game industry as a whole is closer to 50 billion. We are seeing a very rapid rise of teams and franchises following a similar model to traditional sports, with top players now earnings topping a million dollars. Godalming College competes in the British eSports Championships which runs national divisions for Overwatch, Rocket League and League of legends. There are also tournaments for Fifa. We are open to entering other competitions and tournaments. GC eSports will help you join an appropriate team, train and compete.

+Active: Football
The Sports Enrichment Programme is available to all students, offering them to chance to join one of our teams, make new friends and remain fit and healthy.
+Active: Hockey
The Sports Enrichment Programme is available to all students, offering them to chance to join one of our teams, make new friends and remain fit and healthy.
+Active: Netball
The Sports Enrichment Programme is available to all students, offering them to chance to join one of our teams, make new friends and remain fit and healthy.
+Active: Other Sports
The Sports Enrichment Programme is available to all students, offering them to chance to join one of our teams, make new friends and remain fit and healthy.
+Active: Rugby
The Sports Enrichment Programme is available to all students, offering them to chance to join one of our teams, make new friends and remain fit and healthy.
+Active: Trampolining
The Sports Enrichment Programme is available to all students, offering them to chance to join one of our teams, make new friends and remain fit and healthy.
+Qualifications: Arts Award Gold (Level 3 Certificate)
This two year course enables students to specialise in any area of the arts. The coursework is portfolio based and can be presented in any way the student wishes. An excellent addition for any student considering studying in an “Arts” area after College.
+Explore: 5-A-Side Football

All welcome! Don't worry about skill level: it will improve! Join us for a regular Friday morning workout. Some healthy competition between scratch teams as well as fitness drills.

+Explore: AI Automation and Robotics

This course investigates how to create autonomous systems. There will be options to write either an autonomous game playing system or create a robot that completes in the national Student robotics competition.

+Explore: Animation and Games Development

Master some animation and games software skills and create your own animation or game.

+Explore: Architecture of the World
Explore some of the worlds’ most extraordinary buildings. Students will experiment with their own model-making too! This course is suitable for anyone who has an interest in the built environment and wants to know more about the decisions that create the cities around us.
+Explore: Art For All

This programme of workshops is open to students of all abilities. It is designed to help you think imaginatively, work collaboratively and develop your confidence in various Art techniques.

+Explore: Carbon Literacy Award

The Carbon Literacy Award is an accredited course run by the Carbon Literacy Project. At Godalming it is offered to students through our +Explore programme and is studied as an eight-week course.

+ Explore: Ceramics

Ceramic art is art made from ceramic materials, including clay. It may take forms including artistic pottery, including tableware, tiles, figurines and other sculpture. This course is designed to explore another area of Art and is suitable for beginners and well-established Artists alike!

+Explore: Chess Club

Hone your chess skills by learning for a national competition winner.  These sessions will be a combination of taught skills, tricks and tips alongside games of Chess to improve your game.

+Explore: Climate Change Emergency: How what we consume can make positive change

This programme investigates our vulnerability and resilience towards climate change. Students will explore the causes and consequences of global climate change as discussed and debated in the latest news stories. The third section of the course will look at possible responses and opportunities for change. This course will be relevant to everyone at College: we all share the same planet after all, and we urgently need to protect and preserve it!

+Explore: Debating

Both fun & intellectually stimulating. Being able to put together a coherent case for a viewpoint you don't necessarily agree with is an exciting mental challenge and a valuable life skill, especially as you have to think on your feet as you answer challenges from the other side.

+Explore: Dissection Club

Explore and compare different anatomies through first-hand investigation. Starting with small invertebrates and ending with a larger vertebrate, we will explore and compare different anatomies through first-hand investigation. Our discussions will relate these findings to the adaptions needed for each organism to survive in different environments.

+Explore: Drama and Dance School Auditions

Getting into drama school is notoriously difficult. Most schools receive over 3000 applications for fewer than 30 places. This course will put students in a better position when it comes to their own applications. We will start at the beginning with which schools to apply for and their specific requirements.

+Explore: First Aid

This short course offers students a chance to earn a St John’s Ambulance CPR certificate. 

+Explore: Forensics

An introduction into what it is like to be a forensic scientist. Students will look at a murder scene and using forensic evidence discover who killed the victim. They will be covering DNA fingerprinting, fibre and pollen analysis, how to work out when a victim died, fingerprinting and poisons.

+Explore: History of American Cinema

This course covers the development of film from the early silent period up to the 20th Century. Students will explore the innovations of the studio system and the golden era of Hollywood; the 'New Hollywood' era from the late 1960s to the early 1980s and end with a look at modern American cinema. Discussing historical context and the events and trends that shaped them.

+Explore: History of Warfare

This short course covers the changing nature of how war has been conducted. This course will involve looking at the strategies used as well as advancing technologies and tactical innovations. 

+Explore: How to create the life you want to live

The course will look into how to maximise your own potential. Essentially that means be the best possible version of you, get the job you want, manage stress & stay healthy using exercises everyone can implement. The course will examine the essentials which affect your mood, memory, performance, and stress levels

+Explore: Human Rights

This course will ask students to consider how they can define 'human rights' and how this has changed over time. Focusing especially on the evolution of the concept of human rights in the twentieth century, including the impact of the Second World War and atrocities such as the Holocaust on the establishment of the United Nations and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

+Explore: Introduction to Nursing

On this course, you’ll develop an accurate understanding of nursing and where a career in nursing can lead. You’ll discover the demands of nursing in emergency and intensive care, and education and research.

+Explore: Introduction to Engineering

This course probably doesn't need much explanation but it will give students some vital insights into the three big areas of engineering: Civil, Mechanical and Electrical. The course will explore a range of practical tasks, discussion and explanation of key ideas. Students can also use the material, links and practical tasks to improve their university application.

+Explore: Introduction to Photoshop

This course aims to develop students ability to use Adobe Photoshop to control and manipulate their digital images properly and enhance their work.

+Explore: Investment Society

This course is for students who wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of financial markets and investing.

+Explore: Journalism

Never has writing been more important! The course addresses many aspects of this evolving industry. Students will learn how to structure and place a good article, as well as recognising and unpicking fake news and validating research.

+Explore: Law Next?

This course explains and explores training routes to the Legal Profession – Barristers, Solicitors, Legal Executives and Law Apprenticeships as well as a wider range of options in law enforcement and within the justice system, a law based career in business and industry.

+Explore: Live Sound and Events Management

The course will focus on all the roles associated with live events, and the business/employment relationships between those roles that are necessary for the live events industry to function and profit on both large and small scales.

+Explore: Magazine Production

This course offers students the opportunity to find out more about magazine production and feature writing. Students will devise their own magazine idea; produce a front cover and write a feature piece.

+Explore: Marine Biology

From plankton to puffer fish, coral to currents, join a dive into Marine Biology. With oceans covering 70% of the planet's surface, the vast majority of life on Earth is found under the sea. There is still so much to be explored, but this course will give students the chance to investigate a wide range of marine-based plants and animals, the ecology of marine habits and an introduction to oceanography. Some dissection and sampling techniques will be carried out as part of the course. Suitable for all.

+Explore: Photography Basics

We use cameras all the time, but there's an enormous difference between a really good image and a plain ordinary one. In this course, you can learn how to take a good photo and have the chance to play with a range of different equipment.

+Explore: Plant Based Diets: Food for health and a sustainable future

Directly and indirectly, our food choices impact on many things around us. They make us healthy or sick but also on a larger scale determine public health and the state of our planet. Why should we care about what we eat? What is the link between my meal and the state of the environment? How does your meal relate to your health? Food can have an extraordinary impact on our health, our communities, and our planet. Eating more healthily is a gateway to other positive changes in our lives.

+Explore: Practical Podcasting

The emergence of portable digital technologies has given podcasting the platform needed to prove itself to be the future of audio media. This course will give students the skills to research suitable topics, learn new technical production skills, make their own fantastic podcasts and distribute them on the internet.

+Explore: Psychology in Action

This course will explore the (vast) field of Psychology to investigate how research findings have been put into action to impact our society.

+Explore: Run 5K

Running is a great form of exercise: and something anyone can do. Regular running is fantastic for your health and well-being, reduces stress and definitely boosts your mood. This group is primarily designed for beginners or those who want to get back into running, but equally, experienced students are very welcome!

+Explore: Spanish for Beginners

Whether students want to learn Spanish to go on holiday, use it for work or study, this course is designed for those without GCSE or A level Spanish.

+Explore: Teach English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

Knowing how to teach English to others is a useful skill and can be a great way to finance travels abroad. This course takes students through practical games and lesson planning so they will be good to go.

+Explore: The Big Question

An opportunity for students to sharpen their reasoning, and question some foundational beliefs, this course will provide an introduction to Philosophical thought by taking students through a different question each week. “Does God exist?”, “Is art valuable?”, “What, if anything, can we know for sure?”, “Should I tolerate the views of others?” and many more.

+Explore: Ultimate Fitness

Activities will cover circuit training, endurance training, strength training & sports specific training. Most, if not all sessions will take place in the college gym. 

+Explore: Understanding Addiction

The course involves exploring the reasons behind addiction. How does it begin and why does it have such a powerful effect on some individuals? What part do factors like irrational thought processes, age, societies expectations or pressures and the media play? What are the most effective treatments today? What is psychiatry?

+Explore: Yoga

There are many benefits to this meditative exercise: it increases muscle strength and tone, lowers blood pressure, reduces insomnia, helps you deal with stress, promotes calmness and improves your strength, flexibility and balance. Yoga improves concentration and clear thinking and is suitable for nearly everyone.


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