Our new Student Union has been elected!

Our new Student Union team for 2022/23 has been elected! The Godalming College SU has become a quintessential part of our students' College experience, giving them the opportunity to both run for the available positions and vote for their new leaders. Throughout the year the Student Union will represent the student body, voicing their thoughts and ideas to the College Senior Management Team and Board of Trustees. They also run events throughout the year to raise awarness of issues that matter to them, as well as money for charities of their choice.

Before the voting commenced these candidates presented their manifestos at a hustings event. All four candidates presented well researched and innovative ideas to an audience of students (which can be quite daunting), fielding and answering queries, as well as presenting themselves as leaders. We are so proud of all of the students that put themselves forward for the positions in the Student Union, every single one of them would have made an excellent representative.

So, <drum roll> please everyone.... our new Student Union team are…

  • President - Nour El Sherry
  • Vice President - Rafi O’Neil
  • Welfare & Pastoral - Maya Clowes
  • Equality & Diversity - Eleanor Choi
  • Activities & Enrichment - Maisie Green
  • Events & Charities - Esmeralda Selvage
  • Teaching & Learning - Freya Johnson
  • Catering - Ben Proudlock
  • Environmental & Facilities -Will Chantry
  • Media – Irene Burton

With campus events, fundraising and visitors back in full swing it has already been a exciting few weeks for this new Student Union.

Follow our Student Union on Instagram to see what they get up to this year... click here.

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